Showing 76 - 93 of 93 Results
Digest of M. Victor Cousin's Report on the State of Public Instruction in Prussia by Taylor, John Orville 1807-1... ISBN: 9781361886519 List Price: $23.95
Elements of Psychology : Included in a Critical Examination of Locke's Essay on the Human Un... by Cousin, Victor 1792-1867, H... ISBN: 9781362050469 List Price: $28.95
Secret History of the French Court under Richelieu and Mazarin; or, Life and Time of Madame ... by Cousin, Victor 1792-1867, B... ISBN: 9781373795120 List Price: $24.95
Madame de Longueville : Etudes Sur les Femmes Illustres et la Societe du Xviie Siecle by Cousin, Victor 1792-1867 ISBN: 9781374042186 List Price: $30.95
Madame de Sable; Nouvelles Etudes Sur les Femmes Illustres et la Societe du 17e Siecle by Cousin, Victor 1792-1867 ISBN: 9781374044661 List Price: $30.95
Philosophical Miscellanies, Translated from the French of Cousin, Jouffroy, and B. Constant.... by Ripley, George 1802-1880, C... ISBN: 9781374083905 List Price: $27.95
Introduction a l'Histoire de la Philosophie by Cousin, Victor 1792-1867 ISBN: 9781374073975 List Price: $27.95
Lectures on the True, the Beautiful and the Good by Cousin, Victor 1792-1867, W... ISBN: 9781374205338 List Price: $28.95
Justice et Charite by Cousin, Victor 1792-1867 ISBN: 9781374490628 List Price: $21.95
Philosophy of the Beautiful by Cousin, Victor 1792-1867, D... ISBN: 9781374554429 List Price: $24.95
Philosophy of Kant by Cousin, Victor 1792-1867, H... ISBN: 9781018853666 List Price: $18.95
Philosophy of Kant by Cousin, Victor 1792-1867, H... ISBN: 9781018848617 List Price: $28.95
Course of the History of Modern Philosophy; 1 by Cousin, Victor 1792-1867, W... ISBN: 9781014659392 List Price: $22.95
Lectures on the True, the Beautiful and the Good by Cousin, Victor 1792-1867, W... ISBN: 9781371909437 List Price: $18.95
Lectures on the True, the Beautiful and the Good by Cousin, Victor 1792-1867, W... ISBN: 9781371909451 List Price: $28.95
Course of the History of Modern Philosophy; 1 by Cousin, Victor 1792-1867, W... ISBN: 9781013636189
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